Omni Section: Growth Questions: Difference between revisions

From JoS Wiki
Line 702: Line 702:
|[[Omni: How do I clean and charge crystals?|How do I clean and charge crystals?]]
|[[Omni: How do I clean and charge crystals?|How do I clean and charge crystals?]]
|Crystals, crystal cleaning, crystal charging
Line 708: Line 708:
|[[Omni:Which book is good for learning about crystal grids?|Which book is good for learning about crystal grids?]]
|[[Omni:Which book is good for learning about crystal grids?|Which book is good for learning about crystal grids?]]
|crystals, a crystal book, crystal grids
Line 714: Line 714:
|[[Omni:What is the role of crystals in magic?|What is the role of crystals in magick?]]
|[[Omni:What is the role of crystals in magic?|What is the role of crystals in magick?]]
|crystals, use of crystals, role of crystals, crystals in magic
Line 720: Line 720:
|[[Omni:Which crystal empowers the effect of the FRTR?|Which crystal empowers the effect of the FRTR?]]
|[[Omni:Which crystal empowers the effect of the FRTR?|Which crystal empowers the effect of the FRTR?]]
|crystal, FRTR enhancement, FRTR

Revision as of 15:37, 13 December 2023


Material Growth

Category Priority Question Comments Current Quality Tags
Material Growth High How do I gain money/wealth? ok wealth, material, money spell, working, money, Sun
Material Growth High How do I obtain financial literacy? ok wealth, material, money, finance, financial knowledge
Material Growth Should I join the military? wealth, material, military, army, career path
Material Growth Does JoS accept every job? work, job, employment, labour, career path
Material Growth Does Satan accept poor people? money, poor, unemployed, poverty
Material Growth How can I attract to have many sales? money, business, finance, earnings, sales, money spell

8-Fold Path

Category Priority Question Comments Current Quality Tags
8 Fold Path High How to stop feeling guilt and punishing myself? light on content ok
8 Fold Path High What is the most important aspect of any meditation? light on content ok
8 Fold Path High How do I begin advancing? some redundancy ok
Cleaning High How do I clean my soul? ok
Cleaning High How do I deeply clean/purify my soul? ok
Cleaning High Why do I have to clean my aura? good
Mantras High How to pronounce the mantras? planetary square audio source has messed up formatting, and should be an individual question attention needed
Mantras High How do I use the runes? ok
8 Fold Path What should I do after I opened my chakras?
8 Fold Path How long does it take to become a God?
8 Fold Path What are mudras?
8 Fold Path How do I become a God?
8 Fold Path What are Kriyas?
Cleaning What is a Witches' Sabbath?
Mantras Can I chant the mantras in my head/silently?
Mantras How do I keep count of mantras?
Mantras Can runes and planetary mantras be mixed?
Mantras What runes can I use to get into the university?
Mantras What runes or mantras can I use for Ida & Pingala?

8-Fold Path: Asanas

Category Priority Question Comments Current Quality Tags
Asanas High Is it okay to force myself in asanas? Should I bend forcefully? combine under "How to do yoga asanas..." ok
Asanas High What types of asanas should be included in every hatha yoga sequence/program? ok
Asanas High Should I be flexible for yoga? ok
Asanas High What does yoga do? ok
Asanas High How to do yoga asanas most effectively? ok
Asanas Can anyone do inverted asanas?
Asanas What are inverted Asanas?
Asanas Are kundalini yoga kriyas fast or slow?

8-Fold Path: Empowerment

Category Priority Question Comments Current Quality Tags
Empowerment High How to achieve power? light/somewhat broad ok
Empowerment High What is the influence of the Kundalini/Serpent on our soul? ok, but could use more, since the topic is important ok
Empowerment High Should I clean my soul before empowerment? needs more explanation, if possible to find: HPS Lydia made a forum comment about this, and HPS Maxine talked about this on the website ok
Empowerment High How to empower my aura? ok
Empowerment How to improve my masculine energy?
Empowerment How to improve my feminine energy?
Empowerment How do I improve my astral vision?

8-Fold Path: Mind Training

Category Priority Question Comments Current Quality Tags
Mind Training High How to detach from unwanted thoughts or emotions? ok
Mind Training High Is it bad to have negative thoughts? ok
Mind Training High Why do I struggle to meditate/to control my mind? ok
Mind Training High How to do void meditation? ok
Mind Training I have difficulty visualizing the sphere of light. How can I solve it? MiniMe3388: In the ancient forum there is no direct answer to the visualization of the sphere of light. I believe that this question is unnecessary due to the fact that a person may have a problem with visualization and should move on to the question "How do I visualize appropriately?". But this is just my subjective opinion.
Mind Training How do I control my drives/passions?
Mind Training What is the difference between imagination and visualization?

8-Fold Path: Meditations

Category Priority Question Comments Current Quality Tags
Meditations High How to meditate correctly? -ok, but broad and could use more sources ok
Meditations High How do I feel meditation? ok
Meditations High How to enter a trance? good
Meditations High How do I visualize appropriately? good
Meditations High How do I protect myself/my soul? -good, but could use a source on transmuting negative transits ok
Meditations Which direction do you spin your chakras? Unfinished/ wondering if I should include other answers

[AFODO]: I don't think this is a good answer. I think we should stick with the "they can spin in any direction" answer until this will be proven othervise.

Meditations How to visualize Aura of Protection?
Meditations How do I open my pineal gland?
Meditations What is trance?
Meditations What is pyrokinesis? How to practice it?
Meditations What is telekinesis? How to practice it?
Meditations How to do the flame meditation?
Meditations Which meditation should I do to lose weight?
Meditations Can I do power meditation during period?
Meditations How not to fall asleep while meditating?


Category Priority Question Comments Current Quality Tags
Magick High How to do justice? ok
Magick High How to raise energy? ok
Magick High How do I use planetary Squares? ok
Magick High What is witchcraft/magick? ok
Magick High How to program energy? ok
Magick High How to direct energy? ok
Magick High How to succeed in magick? ok
Magick High What is sex magick? How to do it? ok
Magick High How can I program my aura? ok
Magick High How do I create and use a thoughtform? ok
Magick High How do I defend myself from curses? Blitzkreig: please add

attention needed
Magick High How can I fix laziness? ok
Magick High How to heal from trauma? Blitzkreig: please add

Magick What is a Familiar? How to get one?
Magick Where can I buy Ritual Tools? Unanswered
Magick Why can't I feel energy after yoga? Unanswered
Magick How to do a love spell?
Magick What is a thoughtform?
Magick What are elementals?
Magick How to create elementals?
Magick How to do a death spell?
Magick How to deliver The Evil Eye?
Magick Can I vibrate "AUM" at the end of the magic working?
Magick Which incense scents correspond to the planets?
Magick How to protect your home with magic?
Magick How can I improve my learning with magic?


Category Priority Question Comments Tags
Crystals How do I clean and charge crystals? Crystals, crystal cleaning, crystal charging
Crystals Which book is good for learning about crystal grids? crystals, a crystal book, crystal grids
Crystals What is the role of crystals in magick? crystals, use of crystals, role of crystals, crystals in magic
Crystals Which crystal empowers the effect of the FRTR? crystal, FRTR enhancement, FRTR


Category Priority Question Comments Current Quality Tags
Health: Consumption High Is alcohol good in moderation? health, alcohol, alcoholism, addiction, drink
Health: Consumption High How do I quit smoking? health, cigarettes, smoking, smoker, addiction
Health: Consumption High Is it alright to do drugs? health, addiction, drugs, drug addict, narcotics
Health: Consumption High What kind of water is good for my health? health, water, drinks, drinking
Health: Women High How can I solve menstrual pain? health, woman, menstruation, menstrual cycle, lunar cycle, menstrual pains
Health: Women High How to cure a vaginal infection? health, woman, vagina, vaginal infection
Health: Women High How to cure ovarian cysts? health, woman, healing working, cysts, ovarian cysts
Health High How to cure insomnia? health, sleep, sleeping, insomnia, fatigue
Health High How to get rid of excess stress? health, stress, energy directing, negative emotions
Health High How to cure ovarian cysts? health, woman, healing working, cysts, ovarian cysts
Health High How do I fix my health problems? health, healing working, health problems, healing magic
Mental Health High How do I free myself from unhealthy sexual fantasies? health, sexuality, sexual fantasies, soul freeing
Mental Health High Endless pain and suffering. Can I suicide? suicide, self-harm, committing suicide, death, pain, suffering, suicidal thoughts
Mental Health High Is it bad to go to a psychologist? mental health, psychologist, psychological visit, psyche
Health: Consumption Are cold drinks good for my stomach? health, digestive system, belly, stomach, drinking, cold drinks
Health: Consumption How to cure an eating disorder? health, digestive system, stomach, bulimia, vomiting, food, healing working
Health: Consumption Is it okay to be a vegetarian? health, digestive system, food, vegetarianism
Health: Consumption Why do I feel nauseous after taking vitamins? health, digestive system, vitamins, nausea
Health: Consumption Are frozen foods healthy? health, digestive system, food, frozen food
Health: Consumption Can I drink coffee? health, drinking, addictions, coffee, caffeine
Health: Consumption Is drinking raw milk harmful? health, drinking, milk, raw milk
Health: Skin/Hair How can I get rid of acne/pimples Unanswered
Health: Skin/Hair How to cure a skin disease? health, skin, healing working, skin treatment, skin disease
Health: Skin/Hair What can be done to regrow lost hair? health, hair, lost hair, Venus square, head
Health: Skin/Hair How to get rid of scars? health, scars, self-harm, skin
Health How to take care of healthy feeding for a pet? pet health, pet nutrition health, pet, pet food
Health Is polyphasic sleep healthy? health, sleep, sleeping, polyphasic sleep
Health How to stop using a smartphone at night? health, addiction, phone, sleep, bad habits
Health How to improve eyesight? health, vision defect, myopia, glasses, ophthalmologist
Mental Health Is ADHD a fictitious disease? mental health, ADHD, mental illness